Got My Summer Rain

Doing my happy dance. I’ve been waiting FOREVER for this little one. :honeybee:


Me too. And I got mine as well.


Tomorrow I can order mine!!! She is open edition, correct?

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yes, @Nikkiroc it is open edition

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Yay! I got one also. She is so cute.

Yay!!! Thank you!!! :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️

I got 2, just in case I totally screw one up!!!

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Now you will be able to make two beautiful ones Lynn!

I really like this little one but I think I’m going to start on my Princess Charlotte first----not sure though. I can’t wait to see what everybody does with her. Are you going to start yours right away??

No, I have a couple of others to finish up first, but she will be soon!

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I’m working on 2 at the moment. Kind of depressed at all the post I’ve been seeing of first babies of 2016. I don’t really have a set goal # of babies for 2016 but I do have planned to finish these 2, do my bald Easter swap baby, my ROSE competition baby, my Anastasia, at least 1 AA baby and a set of twins. Just gotta work at finishing quicker.


I want one

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