Gluing Eyes and Rooting Lashes

I’m finally nearing the end of rooting mini Ofelia. I inserted her eyes from the front instead of making a slit inside her head for the eyes. I know if inserted from the back you have to glue the eyes in place but what do you do when you insert from the front? Do they still need to be glued in and if so how do I do it? Also for anyone that has made mini Ofelia do you put lashes on her? Being that her eyes are so tiny I would think that if not careful the lashes could overwhelm her eyes. One more question…Even if I don’t put lashes on Ofelia, in the future I would like to root them instead of applying them…what size needle would I use and what should I know before I attempt it? Thanks everyone!! :sparkling_heart:


If the eyes are a pretty tight fit…you don’t really need to do anything to them as far as gluing!!

As far as rooting eyelashes…it depends on if you want thick lashes…which for an older baby…but for a tiny baby…thinner lashes…

I use a 43g 3barb needle for younger babies.


I can not wait to see her

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I agree with Cherielynn and I also use a 43g 3 barb for rooting eyelashes.