Gina Konrad silicone

I think this is the most perfect awake silicone baby I have ever seen. I want her!!! Laney was made and painted both by Gina Konrad. I just wanted to share and brighten things up for a minute.


OMG!!! She is sooooo cute!


If she was a vinyl kit, I would need a few!

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Where did you find her? So, so incredibly cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Definitely makes you smile when you look at her, awe. :heart_eyes:

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She is on Instagram at @ginaartbabies!


I want her!!

I’d never put her down!!! :heart_eyes:

Me either!!! Man I want her!

I’m assuming she is selling her but I’m not sure- she said she is working on her video! Send her a message! :heart_eyes:

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I just started following!!! Ugh, no buying of anything during this pandemic. I spent more than I ever expected in a short time. I never paid 19 dollar for toilet paper in my life!!!
But, when you are not one of the people who buys 100 packs at the beginning, you are left with nothing:(.
But I am going to follow and look! I really love her :heart:

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I totally understand! I went for groceries today to try and get a good 2-3 week food supply. My total came to over $450. I didn’t hoard anything except for sour cream (we go through a ton!). But seriously even just forking out enough money all at once to stay home a couple weeks feels unreal. I will one day own a silicone but for now, I will just admire in disbelief that there is a baby that cute out there :weary:


Yesss! I have NEVER spent that much and I still feel like I don’t have enough. Sigh, I want a silicone too but the maintenance sounds like a pain. I really want to paint them but that chemistry, Lolol!!! I have the stuff but just so you expensive to play around.

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I think when this is all over I will have learned to eat a little cheaper and cook more from home. I can see now that I’m not so thrifty with the food I buy. I sure do miss eating at restaurants though!
I think you’d be great at it! Having such a good base in painting already would definitely help. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I thought I ordered some from Amazon last week, but got a notification that the seller is no longer active. It shows shipped but no tracking. A lot of scamming going on.

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Absolutely beautiful I love her

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I was scammed on eBay. Waiting for PayPal to fix it. They even did a pretend tracking lol and I screen shot where it said it did not exist. Sigh more mess to deal with.

I ordered something on Ebay about 14 days ago that they actually did postage/tracking and it was never received at post office. The person finally returned my money but lied and said I requested a refund was why it never shipped.I hate people

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