Ghsp in clothing?

Is there a way I can get it out of my NICE shirt? I swear I was aiming for a doll leg but my shirt got it thanks to a excited large dog trying to run through me. Its a white shirt at that… Lip blush nail.

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Stain stick and a long wash cycle? Sorry that happened to you

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I will give it a go! Thanks. :slight_smile: wasn’t sure if I messed up big time or not lol

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Can only try just don’t put it in the dryer until you get it out lol

Good luck! I haven’t had any luck getting ghsp out of clothes :confounded: I have a cat that likes to climb on my painting table while I’m working, and that leads to some messes lol

GHSP washes out of my brushes with blue Dawn dish soap and water, in fact I never clean them any other way. Maybe try spot washing with blue Dawn before using detergent and the washing machine. Red is a hard color to remove though so it may take more than one round of scrubbing to get it all out. Don’t dry it until the stain is gone. If repeated washing doesn’t do it, you may need to try something else. I hope you find a way to save it. Good luck!

Try some Windsor and Newton. Rub it in with a toothbrush then wash it right away.

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Sophia. How are you making out getting the paint out lol :kissing_heart:

Well…its still there but it has gotten lighter. fingers crossed

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What are you using?

Era laundry detergent. I didn’t have w&n. Probably will pick some up tomorrow.