GENUINE "Old Formula" Genesis Heat Set Paints CLOSEOUT!

We have tossed away any heat set paints that were not GENUINE “Old Formula” Genesis paints, and placed our remaining Genesis paints on closeout sale.

As you know, the Amaco company that made the Genesis paints discontinued manufacturing them a couple of years ago. Before they discontinued them, they experimented with a new formula that did not work as well as the old formula (it is my understanding that supply interruptions due to the pandemic is what led to their attempt at a new formula that could be more easily supplied).

After Amaco discontinued Genesis, another company (from Mexico, I believe) attempted a replacement heat set line. That also did not work out very well.

The best heat set paints available at this time are, in my opinion, the old original Amaco formula. These are the ones that we have now put on closeout sale.

If they are the “last of the kind”, as well as the best, why are we putting them on sale?

Simple. They are getting old (remember, they were made pre-pandemic). Their shelf life should be many, many years longer, but they have been too long on our shelves. We need to move them.

We used to buy Genesis by the gallon, and then bottle them down to small bottle sizes. Since we were bottling them, we put our own “Bountiful Baby” label on them. But rest assured, these are genuine old-formula Genesis paints!

They are all on our home page:

Nevin Pratt, CEO
Bountiful Baby

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