Genesis paints that are a must?!

Hey everyone!!
So im new to the reborning community and need a little advice and help!
What are your MUST HAVE! Genesis paints that you recomend getting?? i’m going to order the premixed set of eight paints but would like to know what other paints you would recommend to definetly get! Im hoping to be able to achive realistic newborn skin tones… what ghsp colours would you recommend for this??
Thank you :slight_smile:

Burnt Umber is absolutely a must. My favorite it Quinacridone crimson, that is a must IMO. I mix my own vein color with ultramarine blue and phthalo green. Make sure you have the primary colors, so red,blue and yellow. You can mix anything with those. White is helpful also


@MilosMeadows Thank you!

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Also I wouldn’t get the big jars of paint. I still have some of the same jars from when I started reborning 5 years ago. The only ones you might want in the bigger jars of are thinning medium and definitely matte varnish


@MilosMeadows Thank you! I will make sure to order both in a bigger size! :slight_smile:

No problem :slight_smile: Good luck with your first doll! Remember to have fun and not worry about making mistakes. Everything is fixable, other than melting the kit


Yellow ochre is one of my favorites!


Flesh 08 or 07, burnt umber, raw sienna, dairylide yellow, pyrrol red, vein, ultramarine blue, burnt sienna, q.crimson, dio.purple., sap green (Macphersons). These are my main colors. I play with lots more.


I use flesh 06 on all my babies. Black is helpful, especially for adding to red for lip color.


I use flesh. 08. That gives me fair skinned babies, then I add burnt umber washes if I want them less fair. I love the vein blue, it Ais very realistic for veins and blue undertones and I also use it for one mottling color layer. Blues and yellows I am lighter handed with as far as keeping them a bit more transparent until you have a few babies under your belt. They can be troublesome to color correct.


Please get the primary colors-red-blue-yellow. You can make all colors & tint or blend the premixed into different shades.They’ll last for a long long time! Good luck!


@ellakabella Thank you ill be sure to put it on the list when i order!

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