Genesis Newbie

Question… What do you add to the Genesis Premix to thin it out

Mineral spirits, and use some linseed oil to keep it from separating too quickly.



I have a bottle. But haven’t tried it yet.

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I use Mona Lisa oderless thinner and a tiny drop of linseed oil to the washes. Use GHS Thinning Medium mixed with the color and tiny amount of oderless thinner for when you need to be able to control the paint. For example on the nails.


Does anyone have an instructions sheet on how to do the Genesis Premix… I didn’t get one with my paints.

I don’t think they come with instructions.

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I use Mona Lisa thinner and Genesis Thinning Medium

They don’t come with instructions but you should get Denise Pratts instructional video. It was very helpful for me in the beginning. It’s very informative and gives you a good idea on where to begin. I believe she uses all the premixed in the video

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It’s on youtube