Genesis Glazing Gel and Genesis Matte Varnish

Hello; I have a Very Frustrating dilemma …
I have the genesis glazing gel and I can’t seem to get it to work…! I’ve tried mixing it in with colour and baked it at 275 for 8 minutes and… no sheen…!!!
Just flat matte that eventually turns chalky…!
I’m having the same problem with the genesis heat set matte varnish … I even thin it down and apply really thin layer and baked at the same temperature and time and it turns out chalky…!
Good thing I’m testing on testing limbs for I’d cry if this was happening on my doll I want to sell…!!
What am I doing wrong here… my heat set mediums are not old…Does anyone else have these problems…? I’m terrified of using either of these mediums on my real doll…
Please help and suggestions are welcome :pray:

265 for 8 minutes is the recommended time and temperature. Higher or longer heat will make it shiny.

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Mine just comes out of the oven flat…maybe the shelf life has expired.? Whether I mix it with color or just out of the jar…maybe I’ll have to try a test with an old piece of doll…I don’t know :stuck_out_tongue:

How many times are you baking the heat set matt? I mix with paint thinner and a touch of paint then bake three times. That gets rid of the chalkiness.

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Try mixing some matte with some satin…mix it with a spatula until it’s thinned down. Kind of like when you make cookies and mix the butter with the sugar. Mix in a few drops of OMS until it’s like the consistency of a thin jam and spread it on with a wide brush nice and evenly and then pounce all over with a sponge. Bake at 200F for about 30 minutes. Make sure to turn the parts over halfway through. Works for me. I paint with Genesis paints and Mona Lisa odorless thinner.

Well I did just that…and it turned out really chalky on me…I wonder if heat set mediums loose their shelf life :frowning:

it may be too thick, that will cause it to look chalky.

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I find that my genesis glazing gel dries up before I put it in the oven;
Is that why there’s no sheen when I bake it…?

I find that my genesis glazing gel dries up before I put it in the oven;
Is that why there’s no sheen when I bake it…?

I rarely use the glazing gel. I have put a tad with my lip and nail color but have never used it alone.

Newbie question what is OMS? Thanks

hmmmm probably odorless mineral spirits =OMS

odorless mineral spirits