Gabriela by Regina Swialkowski

I just treated myself to Gabriela by Regina Swialowski! I know I shouldn’t have but since I’m having package withdrawals while anxiously waiting for Penelope I couldn’t resist :smiley: I love the toddlers! I’ll add her to the waiting room along with the others that are waiting for my attention :blush:


I love that!


Oh, lucky you! She is my dream baby. Unfortunately, Hubby has put me on kit restriction until we get the house renovations completed. Every time I mention buying a sculpt, he shows me the list of what still has to be purchased and says, “Okay, what are you willing to give up?” He always wins that one.


I reborned a Gabriela a couple of years ago before they rereleased her with the torso. Can’t wait to see yours.

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I need to put my purchasing on hold too! There are many projects around the house that needs my attention. I have no one to tell me to make a choice on house repairs or babies so I just tell myself it is too hot outside to do those spruce ups and the inside things are way out of my pocketbook right now. Making babies and selling them I add that money to my jar. Hoping to get that kitchen finished in the next month, almost there! Sure am glad I like my own style, vintage and whatever makes me happy! Oh and also I really enjoy being only me, happier than I’ve ever been. One day I might look for Mr Right but right now it’s nice doing what I want to do and when I want to, pocket book agreeing that is :blush: @cajuncuties I’d love to see your version of Gabriela! And @GrannyGwen when you complete yours please share her with us!

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I’ve wanted her for quite awhile too! If Penelope would have arrived earlier I probably wouldn’t have splurged! I love getting packages!

Me too! I talked my hubby into letting me get Tabatha because she has been discontinued and was on sale. Since I’ve been on kit restriction and haven’t needed any supplies, I am really missing the packages. I was like a kid on Christmas when the BB package arrived yesterday. Unless Kinsey goes back on sale I guess it will be another long dry spell. :fearful: Enjoy your Gabriela. Can’t wait to see pics of her.


oh my! When did MacPhersons price listing in US dollars begin…I thought their prices were Canadian dollars! Well I’ll be dieting the next few weeks, gosh darn it! Guess that’s what I deserve for pampering myself too often :grimacing: Gabriela may be a keeper now!

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