Gabriel----2nd rooting

I have only posted pictures one time, so hope this works.


So cute! The hair looks good to me but I have almost no experience :wink:

hes adorable

What a little cutie. I love his outfit.

His hair looks good to me. Coloring’s great. WHERE did you find that outfit? I love it!

SO CUTE…reminds me of Prince George; love his darling outfit. Adorable baby!

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So cute. This is one of my favorite sculpts.

He is a sweetie!

Thank you for your nice comments and I got the outfit right here on Bountiful baby.

Hes adoreable~

Thank You Ladies for all your wonderful comments, maybe I am starting to get a bit better. Wish I could afford a better camera so I could take pictures that show up detail better. Love everyone for helping me along the way with all my continuous questions. Thanks again.

Prince George for sure, Karen!!

He does look like little Prince George! He’s adorable but I think I like the girl version better.

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He’s beautiful!

Thank You ladies, I never thought about him looking like George. He was that awful gray color and he has a million layers of paint on him even though you’d never know it. He was a challenge, specially for a newbie. Maybe I’ll learn after all.

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He is just darling!!! Where did you find the outfit?

I got it right here on BB. It’s a Wil Beth, I loved it too.


He is darling and I love that little Will Beth outfit too!

Thank You Pia, I appreciate the comment, means a lot coming from you.