Fulltime Job

Im looking to make reborning my fulltime job! Im still new at this but what are you best ways to sell your babies?
Online? Craft shows? Ect

How many do you sale a month?

I have no vlue where i need to be aiming for or really how to price them.

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I have only sold 16 in a year, around $175 - $225

So not much for a full time job money wise… most of mine sold in November and December. I have only sold from Reborns.com. And did not even attempt selling any until I had painted 10 of them.


I made and sold 40 this year, same as last year. Mine sell for $300 - $350 plus shipping unless I take on a custom and then those are $400+ but I try really hard not to do customs any more unless it’s a repeat customer. I just can’t deal with the stress involved in trying to please someone. I have learned with customs to get the money up front; I’ve been burned one too many times. Live and learn.

Not sure how fast you paint, but I usually work on 2 or 3 at a time, takes me about 2 weeks to get them done, and I can usually do about 3 or 4 a month unless I really push myself, plus it depends on whether or not life gets in the way, which at times it does and then I can’t paint as much as I’d like to. I don’t root hair. My babies have painted hair or they’re bald. If I had to root hair, I’d be adding at least $100 to my prices.

I sell mine on reborns.com and have recently started selling a few on Facebook.

Reborning is very expensive and is by no means a get rich quick thing ~ I’ve been at this since 2002 and I’m still learning.

Best of luck to you; please share pics of your work!


I keep seeing how people get babies done in a few days or a week, but here I am with a minimum of a two week work time. And this is painted hair or bald… but here you are with all these years experience, @kareninflorida, working at about the same pace as I do. I was beginning to wonder if I was doing something wrong… maybe not. :slight_smile:


I gave probably 30 away before I thought any were worth selling. lol I started about 14 years ago and if this was my full time job,we would starve and be homeless.IMO only those talented enough to be prototype artist could think about making a living at it.The market fluctuates so sometimes I sell 4 or 5 in one month(doesn’t mean they were all made that month) and sometimes it is weeks without a single one selling.I sold about 20 babies between April and November this past year.Early year sales were slow as was December.In December I only sold 5 this year.My total of dolls sold this year was less this year than previous years and 7 of the ones I sold this year were customs which I hate doing.


I guess i should reword fulltime lol
I want to make babies fulltime not bring in a 40k a year salary from them lol
Sorry everyone.
Im loving getting some feedback. I habe sold 1 doll for 150. Basically what i puy into it. I will be doi g some others for friends and family at vost just for practice also.



LOL…no apologies needed, it’s just that we’ve all seen people come in to reborning thinking they’re going to make a killing and then BAM! it hits them when they realize the time and money involved AND you don’t want to price yourself out of the market or have to sell your babies for next to nothing. Kind of a fine line we walk, right?! :confused: Wasn’t trying to offend you, just trying to give you a kind of heads up. Like I said, been doing this 14 years and I’m still here, so that must mean something. Not sure WHAT, but something… :smile:


It either means we are nuts or love making reborn babies. lol With me it’s both!!!


Oh i wasnt offended at all. Im a mom of 4 bio children. Done foster care for 12 years and now all kids are in school. Im so bored at home bit working and daycare would kill us haha.
I made my first baby and fell in love. I have SO much to learn. Rooting scares the crap out of me at this point haha. But excited to learn. Its a new beginning but i have had lots of compliments on my first baby so im exciyedbaby keep learning on each baby.


LOL…I know, right??! Wasn’t sure if I should go there or not! :laughing:

GOOD! I was afraid I sounded like a know-it-all and that is sooooo not me! :blush:

A very pretty first baby! My first one went in the trash, so you’re way ahead of me there. There’s always more to learn, and that little spyglass at the top of the page is your friend, plus there’s always someone around to help answer questions if you get stuck.

Welcome to the forum, you’ll love it here! :slight_smile:


Well thank you


Preach Karen


Stop it, Tahitie! LOL…be kind to the elderly over here! :laughing: Love ya!


I have sold around 40 and given a few away. I pretty much make enough to keep the hobby going. I spend so much buying clothes, keeping kits on hand along with all that goes with them. Since I plan to start craft shows, I have been buying bouncers, baskets, different things to showcase. So - nope - never going to make a living at it but still love it. My biggest plan is to have something to do once I retire - and that is really why I have been buying so many clothes - I want to have plenty in stock for when I do retire and right now I could probably clothe every newborn in my town. lol


Just focus on learning and improving your skills. Otherwise you could get discouraged quickly and you will already be hooked. :blush:
Most of us afflicted by this addiction are very supportive and encouraging. Just when you think you’ve met your budget, someone shares a great sale…or offers to sell you that hard to find kit you’ve been searching everywhere for.


The more experienced I have gotten the longer it takes me!


I just did my taxes. I’m in the black for the 2nd year in a row. Last year I made $227 and this year $1034.