Full body for Joseph?

I have a customer looking for a Realborn Joseph with a full vinyl body. Does anyone know what body would fit him nicely? And does anyone happen to have one they would sell? I’m never sure with the vinyl bodies what will fit. Thank you in advance!

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Joseph is 18" but since I have never ordered him, I don’t know what will fit. If anyone else can give us an idea, I do have a Harper torso that I won’t be using and would be willing to sell.

I’m wondering if Harpers torso would be appropriate? It’s what came to mind, perhaps someone has a Harper and a Joseph and they could check if the sizes would match.


I have Harper’s torso and Joseph’s head and arms, but no legs. If no one has checked by the time I head into my doll studio I’ll put them together and post a picture for you:)

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Here you go @RebeccaKatie :slight_smile:

Thank you! I will message you once my customer has made the down payment if you still have it avaliable.


AH YOU’RE THE BEST! Thank you so much! Looks like a great fit!

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Not a problem, happy to help! :slightly_smiling_face:

The head looks kind of small to me by the time you get legs on there.

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