Full and partial cap wig

what is the difference? I don’t know wig terms. Thank you!!!

Full cap will cover most.of the head. A partial cap is basically a round circle for a base and the hair hangs down. Not worth buying, in my opinion.


Oh!!! Thank you!!!

Does a full cap look more wiggy?

Once you’ve rooted, you’ll never want to wig again. I did it with my first 2 dolls and look back and think What was I thinking.

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Nikki is only wigging because she’s just done a big toddler doll.


Oh I see, good luck Nikki.

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@ Dee. regarding:

I didn’t mean to sound snippy. It’s really hot here and I am sounding short tempered even when I’m not feeling short tempered. Appologies!


I love you and you never sound bitchy. This damn wig thing is plaguing me. It’s not a forever wig( probley) just a temp fix while I hone in on my rooting skills!!! I’m just buying the stinking Jessica. And I waited for the bb sale, and they don’t sell it!!! I need a drink! Lol does dolls by sandue have sales?? Lololol

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I meant snippy! Not bitchy Lolololololol it’s hot here too:-( Lolololololol I was in a bad mood but now I’m laughing:-) thank you wonderful ladies of bb!!!


The difference, so you can have a look at it and compare. is if you go back to the thread with the Kitten kits.Mine had the full wig which puts a lot more hair on them and tends to age them to look older the lady that posted the other has the partial cap which is more baby like. I am not a wig fan but they come in handy when you want to keep reborning and you have an injury that keeps you from rooting, have allergies to mohair like some of the ladies on this forum or if you just don’t like rooting or painting big doll heads…There are negatives with both styles…the full ones are a bit too much hair in my opinion for the age of the Kitten, etc kits though it is what I used and I sold that one without too much trouble and the partials, because they are just a little toupee look a bit strange if they are not kept combed down because your bubs looks bald with just a little round patch on the top of their head…Either way, it is sort of your preference and what you are trying to achieve… :smile:


You used the mykaila right Starr?

Yes. It was the Mikayla one…I think I got it from BB…not sure if they are still selling wigs? Haven’t looked in ages…If you are any good at thinning or trimming hair, you can do that to them too…carefully…lol I think I used the Dutch boy wig for this Cuddles, only I thinned and cut it a bit…(Just keep in mind that these wigged bubs were done back in 2012 when I had problems with nerve damage in my neck so couldn’t root hair…I don’t normally wig my dolls.) AND wigs are normally thicker than rooted hair. There are Mohair wigs available and I think the partial ones may be made of mohair which could be a bit more realistic than the synthetic ones…
Here is a link to the Monique Wigs…I think they have some of the better quality wigs if you are wanting them for your dolls…

This is Cuddles with a Dutch Boy wig - thinned a bit but it is another full wig…


Awwww!!! I just love everyone of your babies!! Thanks for the link! I think I will get a couple and post pics and have yall vote:-) thank you for all your help with this :slight_smile: xoxo

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Some of the mohair wigs look fairly decent but are more expensive.

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Your photos are so nice Starr! Come photograph my babies!


Heehee.Thank you Helen but it is not me…I have one of those point and shoot little sony cameras and other than positioning my dolls and trying to get the light right on them the camera does the rest. I am pretty camera illiterate so thank goodness for the the auto focus, auto shots, auto everything cameras…lol


I love your little kiddles…they are so cute… :smile: