Friends and reborns

I don’t make friends easily bc I’m quite introverted, but when I do beware bc I will talk your ears off lol. On that note not too many people know about my hobby and I’ve only recently made it public last year.
Recently I’ve begun running out of room for my WIP. I asked my battle buddy of 17 years if her significant other would make 2 drying racks for me and to invoice me. I just got a picture showing tracking :flushed: With the msg happy early birthday :flushed:
I am in disbelief, I never would have imagined


AWEEEE!!! That’s So sweet!!! :heart_eyes:

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That is probably the sign of a true friend. Acquaintances won’t normally do things like that, but a true friend will do that, and more! Please show pics when you get it! :slight_smile: I am so happy for you.


That’s so sweet! Good friends are hard to find. I too am an introvert. If you ever feel like widening your circle and having a chat, I would be open to that. :slight_smile:

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Will do @TrinityCrystal🥰

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Very true and I definitely will!

How awesome!

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That’s so sweet of them! If your bday is soon, Happy early Birthday! :blush:

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That is the funny thing. My birthday isn’t til August :joy: and she knows it.


Haha! Then happy REALLY early birthday then!


That is so nice!!

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Wait your an introvert? I never would of guessed, too funny. I’m thinking maybe we are all introverts on here. You can bring your wips to my house put them in the…doll room.

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Yes lol I am. That’s why my husband and kids went so crazy when I wasn’t answering my cell. I never go out to meet anyone and don’t make friends easily. Poor man thought I had been kidnapped. He still talks about that lol. I can bring my new babies over now that we are having all this nice weather. I’ll text you.