Florida Get-Togethers?

I’ve been thinking lately how fun it would be to have get-together groups where people went on outings together with their reborns. Does anyone know if anything like that exists in Florida? It sounds really fun!

Are you on Facebook? There is a Reborn Babies of Florida group that plans get together from time to time.

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Yes I am, do you have the name? :smiling_face:

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Reborn Babies of Florida is the group name


Thank you!

You’re welcome! I’m part of that group too. I just don’t usually have time to go to get together as.

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Haha you literally said the name here but pregnancy brain has been hitting me hard :joy:


Aww :slightly_smiling_face: what month are you due?

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February 14th :gift_heart:


Congratulations! Is it your first or do you have others?

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This is my 2nd pregnancy but I lost my first baby before birth in 2019.

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Awww :cry: I’m so sorry :pensive:
Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy!!

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Thank you :white_heart:

My youngest grand daughter was born on Valentines Day two years ago. :slight_smile:

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I also lost a son back in 1996. I was 33 weeks pregnant. Hardest thing I’ve ever been through in my life. He’s my little angel. Hugs! I’m so sorry for your loss.

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So sorry to hear of your loss. Things aren’t looking great for our baby, I see the doctor today for a check-up. :pray:t2:

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:pleading_face: I hope you get good news about your baby today

Well it’s not the news we hoped for. Our sweet baby went to heaven.

Ohhhh noo :cry: I’m so terribly sorry to hear it!
Prayers for you and your family.

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I’m so, so sorry for your loss :cry:

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