And it’s Caleb. I had been sooooo excited but when he arrived, well, he is just WAY, WAY too tiny for me to even bother with. It’s hard enough to sell the life-sized babies, or at least for ME, it is. I’d rather spend the $34.95 on a larger kit, I guess.
Thanks for posting. I feel the same way but I am sure there are Caleb lovers out there. I have a Rosebud and I am a little worried about selling her to someone who is surprised to see how tiny she really is, when they open the box.
I too prefer the the larger babies (around 21 22 inches) or average size I guess youd say!
I wanted a Caleb until I saw his size and decided I could do without. He is really cute.
— Begin quote from “Katy86”
You could do arm shots to show her size. I do them for every baby to show how big or small they are in the arms. I use hubby as my model.
— End quote
Thanks for the idea. I hadn’t thought of that. I will have to give that a try. Great idea.
Dang… hate that… after anticipating delivery, to have to return Calel… so disappointing…
I’m sorry Karen. how disappointing is that!!! but now you have baby$ to spend again. who will you buy???
— Begin quote from “CindyM”
I’m sorry Karen. how disappointing is that!!! but now you have baby$ to spend again. who will you buy???
— End quote
LOL! Cindy, that’s just what I was thinking…WHO??? Always on the watch for another kit; glad there’s so many to choose from!
I’m going to get Caleb…maybe because the FIRST baby I ordered was Tayla, a petite 15," and boy, did I learn a lot! Then I did Raine, who is more substantial, and he seemed EZ! Hardly took me any time at all. I think the little ones are a good learning tool for developing patience, or at least, in accepting the realization that reborning is a s-l-o-w process. I think the more I know, now, it’s actually taking me longer because of what I now incorporate into my techniques! Maybe some day I’ll be brave enough to do one of the toddlers! I also have Teagan, but she’s going to have to wait her turn 'cuz I’m doing PG after Karen gave us that link to that fantastic $8,000 baby on EBay! That is some pretty intense work, I’ll tell you! Rhonda
— Begin quote from “lamafer1101”
Karen this is my first time that I have problem with a BB kit, Cozy head the vinyl inside the head has quite deep tremendous crack well deep, the kit was second but when I received everything was perfect I could find no default,It seems that many times put it in the oven a crack opened complete, is the Cozy that I paint the hair and I did the tutorial, yesterday I send to BB a message giving them my complain,the only thing that I want of them the fact is that checking much better the kits when they put them on sale because we cannot vote the money in the garbage either.
— End quote
I’m so sorry to hear about the problem with Cozy’s head, Marlen. I’m sure BB will replace it for you. Have you heard back yet?
— Begin quote from “LittleMama”
I’m going to get Caleb…maybe because the FIRST baby I ordered was Tayla, a petite 15," and boy, did I learn a lot! Then I did Raine, who is more substantial, and he seemed EZ! Hardly took me any time at all. I think the little ones are a good learning tool for developing patience, or at least, in accepting the realization that reborning is a s-l-o-w process. I think the more I know, now, it’s actually taking me longer because of what I now incorporate into my techniques! Maybe some day I’ll be brave enough to do one of the toddlers! I also have Teagan, but she’s going to have to wait her turn 'cuz I’m doing PG after Karen gave us that link to that fantastic $8,000 baby on EBay! That is some pretty intense work, I’ll tell you! Rhonda
— End quote
Can’t wait to see your PG, Rhonda…hey…ya never know, girlfriend…YOU just might have an $8,000 baby on your hands when you’re done! Why not?!
Marlen - maybe you could call?
— Begin quote from “Ginnylee”
Marlen - maybe you could call?
— End quote
I callled them when I had a problem with the “Thick Medium” that they sent “extender” instead and after resending the extender, they told me that the thick medium and the thick medium extender were the same item… I suggested that they might want to just do away with one of them to avoid confusion because the first time I contacted them, they said they would resend the right product and they resent the same thing. They did make things right though and I basically got the second one free… They are really a fair group to deal with and I bet if you call them they will be able to help you…
— Begin quote from “lamafer1101”
Thank you for the suggestion I will call them tomorrow.
BTW do you know the phone# for the sales dept.
— End quote
1 (855) 973-2676 toll free
1 (208) 359-3009
I was on hold for a while before I got to talk to anyone so be patient and pour yourself a cup of coffee or a glass of wine depending on when you call…
Hope you have good luck with them, Marlen! I’m sure they can help you.
— Begin quote from “lamafer1101”
— Begin quote from “Karen in NE”
— Begin quote from “lamafer1101”
Karen this is my first time that I have problem with a BB kit, Cozy head the vinyl inside the head has quite deep tremendous crack well deep, the kit was second but when I received everything was perfect I could find no default,It seems that many times put it in the oven a crack opened complete, is the Cozy that I paint the hair and I did the tutorial, yesterday I send to BB a message giving them my complain,the only thing that I want of them the fact is that checking much better the kits when they put them on sale because we cannot vote the money in the garbage either.
— End quote
— End quote
I’m so sorry to hear about the problem with Cozy’s head, Marlen. I’m sure BB will replace it for you. Have you heard back yet?
No answers yet Karen and today is the second day that I send them my message, I’m still waiting.
— End quote
I just looked up your email address, and BB Customer Service ( has no record of any emails sent from your email address at any time this year.
If you use the “Email Us” form on our website, make sure you fill it out completely. That includes the spam/bot filter question on the 2nd page of the form, where you are asked to enter the first five letters of the alphabet, all in lowercase.
If you send an email, make sure you send it to “”.
And, as mentioned, there is no record of any emails sent to BB customer service from your forum email address at any time this year.
Bountiful Baby
I’m so sorry to hear about the problem with Cozy’s head, Marlen. I’m sure BB will replace it for you. Have you heard back yet?
No answers yet Karen and today is the second day that I send them my message, I’m still waiting.
I just looked up your email address, and BB Customer Service ( has no record of any emails sent from your email address at any time this year.
If you use the “Email Us” form on our website, make sure you fill it out completely. That includes the spam/bot filter question on the 2nd page of the form, where you are asked to enter the first five letters of the alphabet, all in lowercase.
If you send an email, make sure you send it to “”.
And, as mentioned, there is no record of any emails sent to BB customer service from your forum email address at any time this year.
Bountiful Baby
WOW… I am SO impressed that BB monitors the forum and responds in an appropriate manner… Gives me great confidence in the service they provide to customers… Go BB, I will sing your praises to anyone that I have an opportunity to sing to…
— Begin quote from “Katy86”
I think BB is having issues with their message system. Myself and my customer were trying to get ahold of them and never got an answer either. Tried the number on the about me page and no luck either. I think they should look into the possibility that something is wrong with their system…
— End quote
Use the “Email Us” form on the website-- it bypasses all Bountiful Baby spam filters. But be sure to completely finish the form, including the challenge question on the second page. Also make sure you put your correct email address into the form, and that your own spam system isn’t filtering our response (we get emails from folks that when we respond, the email we send back to them bounces-- that happens all the time, sometimes because the customer provided an incorrect return email address, and sometimes because the customer’s spam system bounced it).
Our phones are only manned Monday thru Friday, from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM Mountain time. And, we only have one customer service phone line-- we use Integra VOIP, and I’m not sure what VOIP does if the line is already busy. You’d think it would ring busy to the caller, but I’m not sure if it does.
But, email is always better than phone. It is checked more often, by more people, than the phone system is. Some of those people are actually at the warehouse, whereas our customer service via phone is about 170 miles away from the warehouse.
And, as mentioned, the “Email Us” form is always best.
Bountiful Baby