First they were creepy

My daughter thought the dolls were creepy. Now she wants me to make her one. So I told her, I thought you said they were creepy? She said, they are, when you just send me a picture of a head! This is the last doll I did, that makes her want one. Have you had anyone that thought they were creepy, then decided they wanted a doll?


I havent that yet but have heard others say some people say that .I think because they look so alive but arent… TOO REAL!..

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What a cute cute baby!

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Thank you

Yes, me :slight_smile: I take creepy as a compliment now :wink:



I’ve collaborated with my colleague who teaches high school Psychology, and he’s going to incorporate my doll into a lesson on the “uncanny valley.” Looking forward to the kids’ reactions!! :smile:


Good job, she looks great!!! No one has called them creepy but find them fascinating so far as do I. I only have sons but do have
a daughter in law who thinks what I’m doing is pretty awesome and plans to make one herself one day.


Oh yes my daughter did the same thing and now she lives them.


Yes, that would be myself!. Actually my daughter is the same way. She doesn’t like them. Although she does want me to make her a vampire baby head lamp.

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