First Sale Nerves

Okay so I sold my first baby last night and the lady asked for close up pics of her hair and painting,creases,details everything and I am packing her box today. She said she will do a box opening and post it on you tube so now I am a ball of nerves what if something happens? What if even after all the extra photos I sent she decides she does not like her? Does anyone else ever fill this way and if so how do you handle the pressure?


I sold her at a low cost compared to most reborns but still over $200 and I just fill like I need the opening to be perfect for her and myself, since it’s my first sale and could be a nice way to get some other babies sold. Ahh the pressure is going to kill me lol.


First I worry that the doll won’t get there or it’ll be late or there’ll be a blizzard, hurricane, monsoon, or flash flood and then I’ll be called a scammer because tracking said it would arrive and it was late…THEN after it arrives I worry that somehow the pics I took were sooooo fabulously AWESOME because I’m such a GREAT photographer and the baby doesn’t even actually look anything like the pictures…THEN I worry that they’ll do a box opening video and call me out for using too much tape on the box (which happened to me, now that I think of it) or when they open the box I used too much tissue, sent too many goodies, didn’t send enough goodies, the doll’s head fell off in transit…so yeah…I worry a little.


I’ve been doing this for 14 years. I worry every single time I ship a baby. You’ll be fine. :blush:

p.s. the joke here is that I STINK at picture taking, just trying to lighten the load for you a little this morning :wink:


Oh My how do you deal…14 years and still get like that wow ! Everything you said is what I fill right now I am so nervous it’s almost made me sick to my tummy haha. I also stink at taking photos She said she wanted close ups so I put the camera as close as I could get it to show her there was not paint build up in the creases and she said “do you think you got close enough haha”


Just work on the next one, honey. Before you know it, you’ll be hearing your praises sung by the person who just bought your doll. One thing I do, to help with the nerves, is that I don’t TOUCH the money my customers pay until I know they love the doll. That way, if they don’t like it, I can refund them. (Incidently, I’ve never had to do that. So far so good.)


I left it in my Pay-Pal account and I think I’m going to video or take photos of the box packing also that way if it get’s to her and something is wrong she knows it was not like that when it got packed. Also how long after they have had baby do you wait to spend the money? I mean I will give her time to get in but what if she says I love it and has her a week then decides she does not like it anymore and wants a refund do you have a time limit on your return cut off?


Once the baby arrives, the money is mine, and trust me, it doesn’t last long, LOL. I have never had a return, but it scares me to even say that! :fearful:


Okay thanks!! I used what extra money I had to buy more weighting beads… Gallon size Mona Lisa with the Jo Ann coupon is cheap was a little over $23 with shipping I have been buying the 8oz in store for over $7 if anyone is running low just wanted to throw it out there.


Oh yes made me so nervous I even followed the tracking till they get there. I thought I was going to go crazy, then I received awesome emails from all so far. I have only sold 3.
Congratulations on you’re sale it’s a great feeling.:tada::heart_eyes::tada::tada::heart_eyes::tada::heart:️:tada:


I am not as nervous as when I first started but am still always anxious till I hear from the new mom…I think if you really love what you are doing and you do really care about the quality and whether they love it or not or that you make them happy, you will always have some nerves till you hear from them.

I think the reasons why you feel nervous may change with experience but if you really care you will always feel a little nervous no matter what… :smile:


If your pictures were clear and accurate you’ll be fine. Nervous is normal. I’ve been selling babies for 10 years and I’m still nervous until I get a word from the new mom saying how much she loves her new baby. Ive never had an unhappy mom. I’ve never had a return. I’ve been so blessed by wonderful customers over the years. Many repeat customers as well. Happy moms is my favorite part! :heart:

I know you’ll come back on here telling all of us how much your new mom loved her baby too. :slight_smile:


Congratulations! Who did you sell? Post a pic for us!!! :0) did you sell on reborns?

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You’ll be FINE. I was just teasing you a little. It’s kind of joke around here when I start taking baby pics because I use 3 cameras. NUTZ??? Yep, sure am! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Just wait, you’re going to get glowing praise from your buyer when she opens that box!

Now on to the next baby!



I get the shipping nerves, too. Thankfully, like the others, I haven’t had an issue. I generally hear “it’s so much better than the pictures” and I’m sure you’ll hear that, too. :slight_smile:


Thanks!! I sold my Samantha baby

and sold her on facebook.


Your baby is lovely…I am sure her new mom is going to be thrilled…!!..I think it is normal to feel this way…I still do and I have sold close to 100 dolls so far…!!..every time…!!..part of being an artist I guess…!!.:slight_smile:

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Um, is she sitting on the Invisible Man?? Teehee JK She’s so cute! Way to go!!


Still always anxious. Some customers just are hard to please even if its a gorgeous baby. I had a customer order a custom because she had bought a sylvia prototype and did not like it. Talk about nerves making baby to fit that expectation!! Usually its buyers remorse that a customer will have an issue with.


well my prices are not bad I got $220 for her that is with me shipping it so it’s decent price for a first sale.

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