First Reborns sold

So I took my 4 year old to the Denist last month and of course she had her baby with us . I got 4 cuddle baby orders and one full kits . I have been so nervous about this I have never sold any and didn’t think my work was good enough to sell . Anyways I took my first three back to there new mommies today . They absolutely loved them … here at some pictures I would love any good or bad advise to help me out …


The top two will be on a lady’s webpage because she crochets and sells her stuff and needed baby models . So Iam very excited about that! I no that’s probably silly for me to be excited about that but Iam …


Congrats it’s always nice to have your work appreciated :star_struck:

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Not silly at all. Why wouldn’t you be excited?

Beautiful work. They look so cuddly sweet!

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How exciting! Congrats on your sales. They are all so cute.:heart:

They are precious congratulations!!

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