Finished my Barnabe

I love him!


How precious!: )

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He is adorable! Love the eyes and the outfit!


Thank you. I crocheted the outfit last night, He has little shoes that match too, but his feet are too darling for shoes lol.

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Just adorable! Now all he needs is a little hat with a feather. I don’t know why. He just seems to want one! With a red feather :grimacing:


lol I am making him a hat too, I guess I have to find a read feather lol

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So cute, I love his little outfit!


Thanks, I didn’t have a pattern, so I was winging it. but I think it came out just right.

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I love him too, lol! I so can’t wait for mine to get here!:cry: I hope to do even half as good as you. His outfit is superb!


Anne, Thank you, I’m sure yours will be gorgeous! I can’t wait to see him. I need to do good pics of hi, these were just quick in the living room. I want to do some outside/nature pics with him, but it has been rainy :confused:

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Oh My Goodness, what a weird little character, he’s Cute!! He looks so sad, what’s wrong little guy, perk up!!

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it’s his little ogre eyes, they tug at your heart