Finished Lexi

These pictures are just right after I assembled and dressed her tonight. Hope you like her. Her creasing is too much. I needed to blend more :(. Otherwise she’s cute :two_hearts:


Oh, she is precious.

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She’s adorable! I love the “Lexi” kit lol, I did 2!

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Great job! She’s cute!

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Thank you Ladies!!! I bought her two new outfits today and going to Hopefully take nice pictures!! <3

Aw what a sweetheart! :heart:

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She looks precious. I like her creases. She is sweet.

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Thank you! I took better pictures today with one of her new outfits. She is a cute kit I just hate the jointed bodies.


I have to edit them. I am not a photographer lol

She’s so little and cute

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Ty yes she’s the smallest so far I’ve done but only my third. Lol Kate was huge in comparison:)