Finding good mottling sponges?

Hi there everyone! What is everyone using for their mottling sponges? I’ve used cosmetic wedges and beauty blenders.Some of the sponges I have found tend to bloat up. I usually try and get the firm or dense ones. Does anyone else have that problem? I use air dry paints. Does anyone know of some good brands to use?

I think I have mentioned it before but I use Equest horse sponges that I cut up.


Sea sponges and tack sponges both work well. I just cut them in small pieces.

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Thanks! Where do you get your tack sponges?

Thanks! Where do you get your sponges?

I get sea sponges at Michael’s and tack sponges I got at the last ROSE show I went to but you can get them online.

I have gotten them from Dover Saddlery in the past but I don’t think they have them right now. I think I got some off ebay before too. Here are a couple places that carry them.

Do you use them for Genesis? They never worked for me. Maybe I didn’t know how to use them properly, so I gave up at my first reborning year on them.
I couldn’t use sea sponge either.

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Yep, I use them for all my paints. I have used with air dry, Genesis, and silicone.


I have them… I have and do use them, but I really hate that they are already a color so I can’t tell what color I have previously used the sponge for already.


I always prefer my plucked wedges.


Me too,