my Slumberland Hair

It finally came in yesterday thank goodness. Now if I can find time to map the head and root. Any suggestions on how to store this hair? And do you all suggest cutting shorter pieces of hair to root instead of rooting the whole length?


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I cut mine about 2 inches long or depending on how long I’m wanting the hair to be. My needle pushes it in pretty far so I end up with a head of hair that hardly needs cutting. Have fun.

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Thank you! When you cut it you still root from the original cut end? And that is what I am hoping for is a head of hair that doesn’t need a lot of trimming.


Yes. Always root from the original cut end.

I cut mine into smaller sections too, yes still root from the original cut end and remember to keep the cut end marked when you lay the hair down. I usually lay mine on a paper towel marked "cut end"at the top, so I never mix it up. Trust me you wouldn’t think someone could mix up the cut end but at my age, anything is possible. LOL !!!

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I only cut it as I need it, I store my mohair in individual plastic containers. If you moisten your fingers slightly you will be able to feel which way is the rough way.


I’ll have to try that. :slight_smile:

I have same question, I can’t feel the different, especially slumberland is soooooo soft and thin. but I can feel my own hair…LOL…

Where is the site to order Slumberland mohair?

I can always feel the cuticle on the Slumberland hair - close your eyes. BUT Slumberland is marked at the cut end, so you just have to not lose that direction. I (like Ludmilla) take a small section of hair and then cut that into 2-3 inch lengths and root with that before I pull off another small section. I store my hair wrapped in tissue paper and inside a ziplock bag. One bag for each order of mohair.

Thanks! Great information as always. How much hair should it take from a 1/2 ounce order to root a baby?

I can root 4 newborns with 1/2 ounce of Slumberland. I cut the hair into short pieces before rooting.

thanks for the link

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This hair does seem to be going farther. Although if I had known to cut the hair shorter with my first baby it probably would have went farther with him too LOL.

Does anyone ever buy the mohair from the BB website? This that I got from Slumberland is so soft I almost can’t even feel it LOL.

And do any of you use a magnification lamp, and root under that? Where would I find such a lamp? I can’t tell with just my glasses on how many hairs I am rooting at a tine, but I do know it looks a LOT better so far than my first baby.


Ruby Red mohair is the worst! I returned mine for a refund. I don’t know what you ordered from Slimberland, but I prefer yearling over the kid and it is a little thicker. I wear glasses (reading type) at a higher magnification to make it easier to see. I have actual magnification glass and a magnifying lamp, but I rae.y use those (mostly just for eyelashes). You can buy OTTO lights with magnifying glass at JoAnns or check on Amazon.


Good… we have a Joanns here. I need to check into a magnifying lamp. We have brown carpet and the walls are a beige color…so it makes the lighting really bad. Plus after I turned 40 my eyes seem to be going downhill LOL

I bought the 1/2 ounce of baby brown KID hair from Slumberland. It is really silky soft. My son even told me the hair was looking a lot better this time. But once I started rooting her last night it is looking blonde instead of brown. I also bought smaller gauge rooting needles because the ones I received with my kit made huge plugs of hair.


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Good grief rooting this baby’s head is taking so much patience on my part. The “baby brown” color is blonde looking once I got started rooting and I can’t hardly see how many hairs are going in. Will have to do some work under a magnifier later on. I think I like the darker hair instead of this color.

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I love baby brown mohair because it does look like blonde brown hair on the head.

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I bought the deep dark brown from Slumberland and it was auburn. Mohair will always look lot lighter when rooted, and the baby brown will look more like ash blond.