Finally finished Juanita (Juan )

I am truly tired of working on this kit…so I put her together and am going to sell her at a boo boo price…I think she’s cute but still not happy with the blushing, but I was able to tone it d

own a lot.


You did a great job. I can tell you toned down and looks better. Juan is a tricky sculpt and not one of my favorites but yours turned out cute.


She’s a big girl! And all that HAIR!!! You did a really nice job on her ~ she doesn’t look like a boo boo baby at all.

Thank you! And yes tricky indeed… I never want to do Juan again!


Thank you for saying that! She has taken me months to do. I kept putting her in the closet and taking her out. At first it was going to be a boy and after rooting half his head I changed my mind. Hence had to start from scratch…

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She doesn’t look like a boo boo baby to me . I’d sell her at full price.


@Skylar, you should sell her full price. She’s a big girl and you have spent many hours on painting her and rooting her. She really looks good. Don’t underestimate your skills, you deserve to get paid for all of your hard work

Thank you!

Thank you! That means a lot to me! M y mom says I’m to close to the mirror to see what others see. Meaning I’m to critical of myself.

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She is right , you know Mom knows best, lol

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Her paint looks lovely :smiley: but I just can NOT like that kit!! That kit would be perfect if someone wanted to turn it into an Annabelle doll from the Annabelle horror movies. But again great job on the painting!! :smiley:

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Lol thank you, I don’t like this kit either!