Finally finished all new photo shoots!

Wow!!! They are all gorgeous!! I want them all!!!

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Lynn… None of them sell!!! Lmao! Do you think they will sell if I make the prices higher!!! Lol I should try that because that would be AWESOME!!! :speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil::see_no_evil::raising_hand_woman::no_good_woman::ok_woman:t3::no_good_woman::heart:

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Thank you Jackie:-) I always want to keep them all!!! But I keep making more… And my nursery isn’t that big! Lololol

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Fantastic!!! :heart:

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@Nikkiroc they’re all gorgeous little bubs x

I love all their little outfits too :smile:

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Thank you!!! :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️

Oh Nikki these babies are absolutely gorgeous. I hope I can achieve that level of expertise. Just saying they are beautiful babies. Congratulations job well done.!


Thank you Pat, I love this art because there is ALWAYS so much to learn!!!

Nikki, PMd you.

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Great photos and they are so cute - and here you have been pretending that you don’t know what you are doing!


Lol Pia!!! I didn’t know… I took a long break and just kept practicing and learning. Thank you for saying it’s paying off… I have had so much help! Thank god for this forum!!! And thank you for the compliments!!! It’s nice to feel like all the trials and errors are worth it, and that I’ve crossed the line from beginner. I started reborning in June of last year. I am a slow… But steady… Learner! Yay!!! I’m on the top of the world:-)


WOW Great job, they are all so beautiful. How long did it take you to complete all 8. I think it was 8. Again WOW :heart:

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