Finally a sale!

My Blessing finally sold after being listed for 2 1/2 months. I’m so grateful. I was getting discouraged. I have 2 others that have been listed for 15 and 16 months and no sale. They’re not overpriced. I think they’re cute but maybe nobody else likes them enough to buy them. One is Nono and the other is Happy Sage. They sit. And sit. And sit. A lot of people say sales are slow but this seems unusually so.


Congrats on your sale!


Yay congrats!

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Congrats in your sale!

Congratulations :clap:t3::tada:


I have the same problem with Bailey Scholl…lots of likes but been sitting for a year next month :flushed:

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Please dont take it personally. Times are tough for alot of people. People are scared about the future and maybe being more cautious about spending, the last couple of years have been hard emotionally and financially for so many. Even though your dolls are beautiful and admired, it doesnt mean they arent beautiful or appreciated if they dont sell quickly. Just folks are trying to budget and prepare and feel some security in a insecure world maybe. Just my thoughts. Dont feel disappointed in your work!

(Edit for grammar)

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Congrats on the sale! He is a cutie! You don’t have many pics of Betsy posted…maybe adding a few more would help. Best of luck ~ x


Sales have changed for sure, it is summer, the world is a little different, we got slammed with the knock offs, we got an influx of new baby painters (some stay, most give up after they don’t get internet famous and make a million bucks, and find out how hard it is to make a good baby).

I see a lot more painters using social media, doing reels… I think I liked it better when we were a little more underground but meh…you gotta do what you gotta do. Hopefully it brings awareness to the difference between a cheapie knock off and the real thing.

I have some big ol circus babies sitting on Reborns. They are boldly painted and unusual, a baby that big is a commitment, I didn’t expect them to fly out the door. Happy sage and Joseph awake not easy babies to sell.

Congrats again and hope you are feeling awesome.


I love Ms Fishy!!! x

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I may do a give away for her at some point, she is huge but a big old love, I will keep you posted!