Favorite Stoete Limbs?

From the mix and match series, which are your favorite limbs? Are there any that you don’t like? Customer is letting me chose. Thanks!

I like #19 & #20 only because I prefer full limbs whenever possible.

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I like the full limbs #119 and #120 at Dolls By Sandie but I really like the fingers on #115 which is 3/4 limbs.

Have you tried any of the Elisa Marx limbs? I don;t have any, but they look really nice too

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They are. I’ve done a couple of her kits. I have Edley but I haven’t done him yet.

I like her Phyllis and Enny kits. I keep threatening to get them from Irresistables, but haven’t yet. Their limbs look highly detailed

Did you decide which pair of limbs you;re going to get?