Favorite Kits

Hi guys!
I’m looking for a few kits (I’m still practicing) but I want to stick with BB kits for now. At least until I’m better and know I won’t ruin a more expensive kit.
So I was wondering, what are some of your favorite kits from BB?
I love the Lulu kit and feel that if I don’t ask around, every baby I make will be from that kit lol.
I’ve gotten to the point of just searching for the lulu kit on the seconds or sale section and completely passing the others by.
I would love to hear of your favorite kits since valentine’s day and my birthday are coming up and would be great reasons to indulge haha.


I love Londyn, Fei Yen and Spencer

Another vote for Fei Yen and Spencer. I also love Joey, but he’s not to everyone’s taste :blush:

A bit of advice…only buy kits you love. It’s so hard to paint kits you don’t like and if you don’t sell them, you’re stuck. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Preemie sized babies are great to start with because you get to see your finished baby faster. Kaelin, Megan, Tegan.


I think Gena’s adorable. Heather also.


ROMEO BY NATALI BLICK. He will make you die because of his cuteness and them sob because he is sold out.


At first thought, Megan, Aubrey and Grant. :slight_smile:

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Love the RealBorns. Sam and Sera have great faces, but the hands/arms are skinny.

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Gemma, Lane, and Kaelin.

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Precious Gift!!!


Precious Gift, my all time fave! :heart:

Gracie’s also really cute, and I love Clyde, Asher Awake, and Sugar.

Gemma makes a beautiful peacefully sleeping baby.


I love how everyone has such different favorites!


Crystal is a fun sculpt to do, but Fei Yen can really go in all sorts of directions. I’ve included a couple of my versions to show you. I love the BB babies with cute expressions too like Luu, Irelyn, Scarlet, and Rowan. And for newborns, you just can’t beat Rosebud and Precious Gift. Guess I have a lot of favorites!


2kazy i love your bottom Fen Yen Mibe didnt come our near as well…Might have to give her a notger try.What dize eyes did you use?
I like how Kimi comes out …really pretty face!-! but i did Avery and im just in love LOVE with her!Such a pretty very new baby face.

@2layz, I am crazy in LOVE with your blonde Fei Yen :heart:

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Definitely Lulu, Crystal and Gemma!!

Megan is great. I think sleepers are easier to start with, personally. And smaller = faster. :slight_smile:

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I love Miles, Gracie, Heather, Holly, Sweat pea awake and asleep, Kate, Gena, Honey, Kimi, and I also love the realborns.

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I just did a Spencer and fell in love with him. I’ll be ordering a few more of that kit for sure. Unfortunately my favorite BB kit so far is Jarome who happens to be discontinued. I REALLY loved doing him.

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