Faulty Asher & Presley kits

I do understand that BB will not be offering them as 2nds, but I wonder if it would be possible to get the limbs? Every now and then I get a kit with limbs I hate, decide I cannot live with them, and look for a replacement.


I do not think it would be fair to the rest of us who had to pay a higher price for what is supposed to be a limited edition kit. I think Nevin realized that when he said he would not be selling seconds and they probably factored that loss into the overall pricing of the kits.


As much as any of us like to see unused baby parts, I don’t think BB had many options. They can’t do anything with them that wouldn’t possibly led to resales. I know I don’t put that the baby was made fro seconds parts when I sell one. And what would they do with the heads?

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What are they going to do with the whole faulty kits? I agree, it would not be fair to sell the kits as seconds, but limbs, important as they are, do not make the kit. I do not think that because somebody was able to use Realborn legs or arms on other kit, would in any way devalue the actual limited edition kits. Would it?

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it would for me.

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How? If somebody manages to melt the head, and then uses the limbs for another kit, will it devalue the Presley or Asher you made? What if they use it for much more expensive head?
Anyway, i thought that BB uses the technology to improve the limbs on some kits?

Because initially they purchased a ltd. ed. kit for FULL PRICE. If they damage part of it the kit and choose to use the rest of the parts or they mix and match their parts they still started with a kit for which they paid full price.

The only reason for me to ever want to pay the higher prices for these ltd. ed kits is knowing that there are not going to be tons of them on the market or variations of them using their parts all purchased at a lesser price than I paid to begin with. If I wanted to buy a kit that is going to be later sold as parts and 2nds at a lower price then I would not buy the higher priced kit to begin with. I would just wait for it to go on 2nds sales. I do not see what is hard to understand about that. Buyers who purchase reborn dolls frequently know which ones are made from Ltd. Ed. kits and which ones are mass produced and they are willing to pay a purchase price for the finished doll somewhat based on that as well. While it is true that some artists can get a high price on all their reborn dolls no matter what kit they use, that is more the exception than the norm.

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Now I think that would be a fabulous idea Beth!

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Shoot, I always buy Denise Pratt kits when they go on sale - just for the limbs! Then if I get a baby with a pretty face but horrible limbs, I swap them out for the Pratt ones. This is really a fabulous idea as far as I’m concerned!

I do the same. I love the Aubrey, Lilly and Irelyn limbs and will settle for Paisley, Londyn and Kinsey. They are perfect with Shyann’s head.

Agreed. I have a couple of Lillys lying around. Plus when her arms were available a while back, I bought a bunch of those, too. They are great with the Marissa May kits that have lovely feet, but monkey fists!