Fair skin Johannah?

What does she need please. For once I’m trying to achieve a lighter complexion but feel like she’s missing something but the obvious. She’s had a lot of light washes and I do love mottling as you can see :joy: she has her first varnished baked. Ty! :heartpulse:


Wish I could help. I’m not good with fair/lighter skinned babies. I always feel like they need more color :revolving_hearts::joy:.

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i am thinking she is just a tiny bit purple. I would do a very pale yellow wash…lightly. However, I am air dry and I’m not sure about if it works the same with heat set. Maybe get some advice from some heat set people.


Thank you! She’s not quite as purple as the pics. Here’s another. Maybe just wash her head work light yellow? It’s cloudy here also. :woman_shrugging::joy:


I feel your pain :joy::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Yes just a wash on the head would work.

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Maybe a very light yellow and pink wash?

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Ty everyone! I appreciate it and will try the suggestions. I suppose I should lay off the mottling :cry: I did also do flesh 08. How can anyone after over 2 yrs keep struggling :sob:

I’m thinking just her head needs a little warming. I agree with the light yellow wash.

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She looks perfect to me! And very lifelike :blush:

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I LOVE her skin tone and mottling. Great job, Val!

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I worked on her more today. She is baking for the last time lol. I’m so excitedt! Ty for the encouraging words y’all!


I think she looks great!