Facebook groups

Selling on Reborns website has been frustrating lately, I go to feature a doll while it says that babies are staying on the front page for 10 hours and my baby is off the front page within 30 minutes. :roll_eyes:
So I figured I might join a few Facebook groups and market my babies there and direct people to my Reborns nursery, are there any groups y’all sell in? I want to make sure I don’t join some shady group and figured you ladies may know some good groups!


I think the time the featured dolls are staying on the front page is inaccurate. Sometimes it’s longer, sometimes it’s shorter. I’ve also noticed that as people add new featured dolls, mine often drops off before ones that have been featured longer. If it’s working the way it’s supposed to, that shouldn’t happen.


I’ve actually been selling on eBay and Etsy…I just raised my prices and it’s been good :heart: I still have my reborns account as I paid for a year in advance, but I haven’t sold there in months :heart:


eBay fees are so high they cut into profit.

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Yes, it depends on the category, for reborns, it’s 12.9% plus 30 cents so I just add that into my price :heart:


Would you say you sell more on EBay or Etsy? I’ve only sold on Reborns before so I’m a bit unsure how the others work.

I’ve sold more on eBay, but Etsy is really good for my higher priced dolls :heart: The Etsy customers tend to pay without any messages and sometimes do not leave feedback. eBay customers always leaves feedback and I have 100% on both platforms :heart:


I’ll have to look into both and see how I can branch out, thank you!

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This is one of my favs

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