Eyelash rooting question

Has anyone ever rooted eyelashes using anything other than mohair? I have no mohair, because I have little intention of rooting hair. So should I order some strictly for eyelashes? Or can I use synthetic hair from a beauty supply store? Or get some super long falsies, cut them off the glue strip and use them one at a time? Or cut some of my daughter’s hair while she sleeps? Lol. Ok maybe not that last one…

If you don’t plan on rooting then I would say get some cheap hair like ruby red (quality doesn’t matter for lashes)for sleeping baby eyelashes. And just use false ones for awake babies, people don’t seem to think they look good but I really like them. I can’t root open eyed babies lashes to save my life and I don’t want to ruin a kit trying.


I’ve only used mohair!

Thanks! And I’m scared to do my open eyed kit! Real scared! :open_mouth:

I’ve only done it once in 5 years and it didn’t look good so now I’m afraid. The thought of ruining a kit after painting AND rooting makes me nervous so I won’t do it. Fake ones look good, especially if you trim them so they’re not as long. This baby has fake lashes but I don’t think they look bad.


@MilosMeadows they look great on that Tink!!! :heart_eyes: I’m leaning more towards the falsies and trimming them…

Thank you :slight_smile: I like the fake ones a lot, they’re a lot easier than rooting them IMO


I’ve only been rooting open and closed. I did use human hair on one because I was out of mohair. They were nice. If you can (borrow) a child’s hair I would do that. You only need a very little.


Some people have mentioned that Dollar Tree has good eyelashes for the reborns, as they are not so full as most eyelashes.

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No, they don’t look bad on this baby at all.


I always use wispy baby lashes on my open eyed dolls. If you insert the eyes from the back, you can glue them on before you put the eyes in so you don’t get glue on the eyes. I’m too chicken to try rooting them.


How in the world do you do that? @jeanhai Do you glue the lash on the vinyl around the eye socket or do you glue it to the eyeball???

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I cut the eye socket about 3/4 of the way around. I usually do it from the back with an X-acto knife. You can do it from the front if you use a very small blade but you have to be super careful not to cut the eyelids. I glue the lashes from the front. I put the glue on the eyelid where I want the lashes and stick them on. I use a toothpick to adjust the position.


I’ve never tried to glue eyelashes on before gluing the eyes in…great idea!


Yes I think that’s what I’m going to try today! I’m working on the Easter challenge baby and have no time to order & wait on mohair! :grimacing:

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This is what I do, but I get it from Dolls by Sandie, she has an inexpensive line I think it is called Heritage? I use it just for eyelashes. I have three colors, light brown, medium brown, black. I have had them for two years just for eyelashes and have never run out. I mostly use the medium brown.


Oh thank you! What size needle do you use for eyelashes? And do you use the mushroom tool or just the needle?

@Shara I use just a needle - 42g.

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Actually using your daughters hair is fine, my toddler is micro rooted with child human hair, it may not be quite as fine as like kid mohair. Any synthetic hair you have to avoid heat.


Some synthetic hair can be heat styled.