Eye sizing

The eyes I want to put in Sebastian Auer are sized on the odd sizing, not even. He takes 20mm eyes. Would 19mm work, be too small? Or should I get the 21mm size? Will that be too large? Never used this sizing before.

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I think up one size…

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Thank you!! :smiley:

But I could be wrong :laughing: lol
I think I’ve read that somewhere though…

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Better 1 mm bigger than 1 mm smaller, IMO
Smaller eyes always look like a bug eyes to me with too much white around.
However in my 5 years I never saw eye sizing in odd numbers.


Am I just not understanding this question? You said he takes 20mm size…that is not odd to me???

These eyes are at Eyeco.

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She just means with the eyeco brand they go in odd numbers. He fits a 20 in regular sizing and she wanted to know if she should get the 19mm or 21mm. I say size up.


I used 21mm eyeco eyes in mine and had no issues setting them


Oh, Emma, thank you!! I was hoping someone had had this experience with this size of eyes. Your guy is adorable!!! I’m going to order the 21mm, then. What color did you use?

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I used Eyeco A223 Polyglass and it fit great!


Thank you somehow I failed to get that.


I think I threw out the container, I can’t find it and didn’t write it down, so I’m not sure exactly what color, but it might have been the lady blue?

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This is Eyeco poly glass A223……20mm


How cute!

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