Every now and then, a baby comes along that just melts my heart

Oh my goodness, but she is PRECIOUS!



You’re right Karen…beautiful doesn’t begin to cover it. She is perfect!
Thanks for sharing her link with us!

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Oh yes, she does melt hearts. Mine makes two. I love her dark hair.

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Crystal Colorful Creations is doing an Ethnic prototype. You can see it on her FB page. She was hospitalized last week so I think is a little late getting her auction up! It is really gorgeous.

I just think Jacqueline nailed it this time 'round…hair, skin tones…this is a GORGEOUS BABY! I am in love with her Asher, too; she honestly makes these babies look as if they are breathing. I am totally in awe of her work and her talent. AMAZING! I love it when an artist just hits it out of the park, and she sure did!!!

I love her work as well. I’d really love the chance to watch her at work.


Here’s her version of sleeping Asher ~ I love this little guy!

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If that baby doesn’t look real, (Asher) I don’t know what does.
Even his scalp looks soft. Awesome.

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I love the hair that sticks up all over the place, Such a sweetie!

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Do the ears seem a little big on the Lee Lou or is it just me? LOVE the face!