Esme Trade?

Just in case anyone may be interested…

Hi Ladies, I have an Esme pre-order I would be willing to trade for a Quinlynn or Romeo Blick. Since she comes with full body plate and body slip. I would also like a tummy plate and body slip…for Romeo OR for Quinny! Please send me a private message and we can chat…Thank you

Hi Marlen, I missed out on the Quinlynn Kit…wanted her for the show I plan in attending, also prefer Sleeping babies and since they are both Laura’s Baby’s I thought It would be a fair trade…

I also have Juliette so wanted her brother…anyway… I found Romeo, and purchased him and also have someone willing to trade for Quinny! So HAPPY!

Price is not everything…I would rather trade than sell for elevated prices to my “Sister” Reborners…They call it “Professional Courtesy”.

— Begin quote from “Bornannew”

Hi Marlen, I missed out on the Quinlynn Kit…wanted her for the show I plan in attending, also prefer Sleeping babies and since they are both Laura’s Baby’s I thought It would be a fair trade…

I also have Juliette so wanted her brother…anyway… I found Romeo, and purchased him and also have someone willing to trade for Quinny! So HAPPY!

Price is not everything…I would rater trade than sell for elevated prices to my “Sister” Reborners…They call it “Professional Courtesy”.

— End quote


Yes I agree it would be wonderful if everyone felt this way, but honestly I had my own questions about this trade…it’s only natural to wonder why someone might be willing to trade for a lesser priced sculpt. It certainly could happen I suppose, if I got one that I wasn’t happy with, but in the end it all worked out for the best it seems and I’m happy for you. I do hope you’ll take some time to post the photos when you finish – we all love to see the completed babies.

And, Marlen just a note from me, you are my friend, and I want to say here and now that I think you are probably one of the most humble, giving, generous, and thoughtful people I know. You give in so many ways - from answering questions, to tutorials offered on youtubes videos, to helping fellow artists when hoping to find a kit, and I know you have even bought an extra in case a friend may have missed out.

I have personally received so much support from you – and I am grateful for your friendship and want you to know that.

Hi All,

Did not mean to sound harsh or anything like that…Just trying to voice my feelings about price versus courtesy or desire. I mean, we all know what the price of a kit from the sculptor or supplier will cost…so as a Reborner I feel when I am working with my associate artists, I want to offer equitable and fairness in a transaction.

I have my own ideas and feelings about those who purchase for the express reason of inflating prices. Or, sell at higher prices, just because. I mean, these dolls look like babies…for and from Mothers…but that is another topic.

There was no negativity directed at Marlen’s question…I know from other forums she is kind, and generous. Very talented as well.
Here is one of my latest loves “RoseBudd” from the Sawyer sculpt!


Adorable Sawyer! I love Emily’s work - Winnie has always been one of my very favorite sculpts of hers…The peach color goes very well with her skintones.

I love this baby…do not know If I Will Ever Give Her UP!!!

Explore abbatouch9

Pricilla Ann, your Sawyer is darling! Love the huge hair ornament!

Thanx Pia…an Easter Bow!!! lol

Your Rosebudd is so beautiful! I just love the crinkly eyes. My little one looks just like her when she is fussy. Too cute.

Thanx “Snuggle”…I love your Siggy pic and your Avatar… you are too cute! Hope you are having fun in the Reborn world!