Empty Nursery! And first reborns.com Sale

I just sold my first doll on reborns.com! Baby Ylenia will be moving to florida! And My Darren and Tink both sold this week so I am out of babies! I could not be happier



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Thank you! Now I get to buy kits

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Wooohooo yahooo!!! That is awesome news! Thank you for removing the temptation for me, that Yelena was snagging my heart!

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Lol you’re welcome! I always do customs though :wink: I am so happy, I woke up to a paypal notification and I was SO confused lol I read my email and then I realized what it was for lol I’m hoping I have time to ship her tomorrow. I have a work experience shift from 9:30 to 2:30 tomorrow and I don’t know what time I’ll have to leave to get there.


Tinky will be headed your way soon!

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I would be interested at @MilosMeadows reaction about Tinky as Vika was so concern about Tinky’s skin folds around her ears :wink: I hope you like her. I was feeling so tired and ‘under the weather’ or may be ‘under Atlanta’s super pollinated air’ and didn’t want to paint past week. Hopefully I’ll feel better and will be able to finish my Tinky #2.


Yes, and I still am but I have plans on how to disguise it a bit. Mine will have lots of hair



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Congrats! That’s such a good feeling :slight_smile:

Hope you start feeling better soon

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So happy for you!

That is WONDERFUL!! What a great week! Congratulations on your sales!

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Thank you everyone! I’m so thrilled and I can’t wait to buy some kits! It’s been awhile since I’ve sold anything so 3 in one week is fantastic!


@MilosMeadows - Congrats
@YelenaRey - I hope you are feeling better.


Oh wow, congrats and enjoy the brake!!

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These are precious!

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Three in a week? Fantastic! Have fun shopping.

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