Elliot and Grant

Oh Cute!! I really like the second Elliot prototype and Grant is adorable. I did not care for it at all when I saw the first one, I am once again looking forward to the release…Grant is one of my favorites

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Link please? :slight_smile:


They are on BB home page but I just looked at the actual auction for Grant and his nose is really weird, Don’t know if that is how it is painted or what. So back on the fence for me.

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The new Elliot prototype is definitely better than the last in my opinion. Still something about his eyes that I don’t like. I think Grant is my favorite, but still nothing to rave about for me. I still wish they’d kept the older versions, even alongside the new ones would be great.

Grants belly plate doesn’t look like one of BBs though…maybe it’s a realborn belly plate?

Definitely like the second one better and the Iris is larger…woohoo…I felt certain it would make a difference…much cuter!!! :smile: and he doesn’t look like a “bush baby” either…lol


I agree, the second version of Elliot is better. He looks like a big baby and not a toddler. Very cute. I like Grant, too.

I think I will have to have them both…They are quite the little cuties…really looking forward to the new Easton…hope he is as cute as the smaller version…

Oh my goodness, I need both of them! Definitely like the 2nd Elliot prototype better.

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I really like them both also. I like holding a bigger baby, but the smaller ones are faster to make.

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The second prototype of Elliot is cute, but those eyes freak me out!!! they where made way too big.


I’ll have to get Grant! Too cute! I have Easton, the original size still in the baggie. I traded away my Elliot and Grant because they looked like an older baby compared to their size, just my opinion. I’m looking forward to seeing Easton sized up too!

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I do agree the 2nd Elliot looks much better, but I still wouldn’t purchase the resized kit. I am still not liking it compared to the old version. They have changed the features too much.

The 2nd elliot is a huge improvement, however, i’d like to see more or him done before i consider him. I’m loving the new grant and the size doesny bother me. I really wanted a small Elliot as my youngrst is still pretty little

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I am not liking the new Elliot. The eyes are too big. Grant isn’t so bad.


I don’t care too much for Elliot but Grant is ok. They look like they have pretty nice limbs though. Still waiting on Easton, been years now !!!