Ella by Karola Wegerich

Did anyone else order her?

I think I am going to go on a kit diet. However I did decide to order Ella. She is adorable, but not that I really needed her. I am almost afraid to count how many kits I have. But she is so cute, and I love her eyes.


I ordered her! I could not resist!!! I love Wegerich sculpts so much! I still have an Ira and a Frida waiting to be painted!


I thought about getting her but I am trying to save what dolly money I have in case I find a Mary Ann by Blick lol.


My buying days have to come to an end. We are going to Antwerp at the end of October for 7 days. So many new kits come out all the time, and it is so hard to resist.


I ended up ordering her and Scarlett Brown!!! SHHHH…don’t
let my hubby hear that!!!


I am waiting on Kami Rose by LLE.


I wish you did not do that! :slight_smile: Ella is gorgeous and I would be seriously tempted, but my last kit fro them came with several black spot on the face and they refused to replace the head. They agreed to refund when the kit is destroyed. But after I waited for months for the kit that I really liked and wanted to keep, I was not impressed.

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Who did you buy the damaged kit from? I think its terrible that they would not replace the head!!

I bought it from local dealer, who took it back, so I was OK. But I wanted replacement head, I wanted the baby. The dealer showed me the email from Wegerich, and I sent the kit back to the dealer, and I assume she destroyed it, and got her refund. Yes, I understand that postage from Europe is a bit of $, but not all that much in the whole scheme of things. The makers should check their stock well, especially when sending kits far away.

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