Ebay tax fee

Has anyone noticed lately when purchasing on EBAY, you are charged in two separate transactions. One being the cost of your item and the other is the taxes? So two separate charges from Paypal appear on my bank statement. wonder if this is an EBAY thing or paypal thing


It’s eBay. I think it’s so dumb that we are charged tax now for anything we buy on there. :roll_eyes:


Oh, ok. I just recently noticed that every time I purchase something, I was having an additional separate charge. Wow, what next?

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Don’t you worry! They will think of something! :wink:

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I’m sure, always something​:joy::rofl::joy:

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thank you for posting this, had no idea what was going on, on paypal


Welcome, I don’t recall getting a notice either. I just started noticing the separate charge.

I don’t think it’s on every purchase cause I just bought several lots of bugs (yes bugs lol) from eBay and there was only one charge per lot.

Update: I just went to check my ebay purchases on paypal, and nothing I’ve purchased this year has any extra charge for tax. The last purchase was on 7/8. When did you guys notice the tax charge starting?

I noticed mine on 7/7/2019 and every eBay transaction since then has had the charge. Maybe, I need to call and ask

Same here, as @DancesWithDolls said, I just checked my ebay purchases (I pay via PayPal) and nothing has extra charges.

Here’s a thought, we’re the items you purchased being shipped from withing your same state, maybe your state sales tax?

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Look at this

That’s probably explains tit. My purchases all from China, this is why I don’t see any taxes.

Thanks, that explains it. I’m in Alabama

I have purchased things from China, but it takes so long to arrive. One thing I ordered seemed to literally be on a slow boat from China! LOL

My state is collecting taxes on all online purchases even those from outside the US… like China.

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