Dream kit or baby

I love her she has the cutes limbs and the mouth :heart_eyes:


Your Nina is beautiful. I hope I can make mine like that. I actually have her stored until I feel confident enough to make her.

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Saskia is my all time favorite but thinking she will be replaced by Liam soon!


Bibo by Luciana Miglioranzi was my 1st expensive kit and she’s still my all time favorite. Saoirse by Bonnie Brown runs a very close second. This is Bibo. Before she was even painted she wrapped her little self around my heart.


Thank you Jean. I have another Nina kit so I’m ok to let her go. :joy:
The lady paid me in installments, and due to confusion over a pic I sent her (one of the hair 1/2 finished), she thought I was scamming her and that Nina wasn’t even finished. I was at work (and busy as), so didn’t get ALL the emails until I got home at 3am. And woe… WTH.!! Immediately sent one back to her saying basically “Calm down”, and Nina IS finished, but if you don’t want to go forward with this flick me your bank details and I will refund you right away. Needless to say she went ahead and bub is on the way home. Happy days. :sweat_smile:
I couldn’t be more honest and felt insulted to be even thought a scammer.
How embarrassing :disappointed::flushed:

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Thank you :relaxed:

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Oh yeah, spit bubbles and all.

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Sheer perfection, right V??! :heart_eyes:

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My dream kit for the longest time was Mathis (Gudrun Legler).
I saw someone else’s completed baby and just fell in love.


Summer Rain, she so adorable

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