Down to two keepers...withdrawal!

I haven’t been reborning for over a year. Just sold/gave away some dolls and have only three full size babies left. My Lucy with hubby’s hair which is one of my first ones. She/he is done with Bloomers and Bows and Luminaires paints, many years ago. And my NA Scarlet done with Genesis paints and alpaca hair. Almost forgot Juliet with clay elf ears and sparkle gel!

Dying to get some babies made for me! Need to make my Prestons I got for Christmas last year…and a few other ones. But also need to make four AA babies by Christmas and a few others for other people. At least three of the AA babies are for teens so not as time consuming. It is the rooting that is going to kill me. A!ready have three babies to root or finish rooting.

How do you guys do it all and still do the rest of life? Just now getting back to being able to get around. Even bought bikes last night for daughter and I and managed to do a load of dishes for the dishwasher! Bad when you get excited about being able to do dishes!

Trying to not be selfish and make babies for myself first!


Very excited for kimberly to be released. She’s cute as a button! Any clue who you have yet in the box?

Busy busy lady! Wow. Much more motivated than i am. I hate rooting hair! Maybe work on one of your babies a little here and there on the side? Or maybe give yourself a break so you arent burnt out working on them. Any case your workload ia amazing :wink:

Omg!! Lucky! Angel is beautiful!

Oh wow, what a great partner! Lucky you! Do show us some pics after Christmas, please!

@djjessie228 I understand about not having enough time to get things done. Sometimes I have to put the housework aside and ignore the piled up dishes/laundry/various messes and tell myself I’m working on a baby now. But like right now, I should be working, but I’m here instead, “talking” to fellow reborners. The thing is, I had a doctor’s appointment this AM and it made me anxious as I have to see yet another specialist and more than likely do more tests and I probably need surgery if they can find the exact location of my problem, so after trying to get the new appointment and failing as they would only accept a faxed request, so I’ll have to ask my husband to do it at work tomorrow, I felt a bit upset since this has been going on since June and the frustration and worry is getting to me so I came here. I have been getting the royal run around from the hospital and it is very upsetting. After I eat some lunch I think I’ll try to start back up on the limbs on Precious Gift which, for some reason, are giving me a hard time and I don’t usually have this hard a time at getting my skintone to where I want it. I think it’s just nervousness causing my ability to dry up. It goes so well when I’m not super stressed but this week it has been hell as I’ve had a lot of stress in my life lately. So even if I make time by letting other things go, it hasn’t been going so well because I’m too stressed to get in the zone.
I only have one keeper right now, my first baby, but I may keep one or two others that’ll I’ll make next year. I don’t have much room in my house for any type of collection, really. I don’t think you should feel guilty for wanting to make some for yourself. After all, we reborn because we love it, so why feel bad about wanting one?
I have my eye on some too…

And your Christmas swap baby!


I don’t know Nimlet but I bet you won’t be able to keep from peeking before Xmas.You’re :worried: already thinking about it tooooo much, ha ha

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Got a big box from BB today, first big order in a while. So exciting to open the box even knowing what was in it. Would rather play with dolls but have to start on replacing bedroom çarpet with vinyl flooring tomorrow and Wednesday. Of course, my reborning happens on my bed…which is getting a new waterbed liner. So no painting forca few days. Maybe some rooting if things go well.

Got two prepainted kits for a couple of teens, another kit for a fiend, replacement arms for a melted set, and a baby for me. Plus stocked up on baby blankets. Happy!

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