Dolls to reborn

If just in case you have more berenguers I would like to have them


Losing a child is the most awful loss anyone could endure. I’m so sorry you lost her. :sleepy:


I am so sorry for your loss.


These are the ones left…paradise galleries and lee Middleton

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I am so sorry for your loss.

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My deepest condolences to you on the loss of your daughter.

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Someone could strip the Middleton, reblush her and rewig her and make a nice refurbished baby for the nursing homes or a child I have done several of these over the years too. I hate to see her not used so if anyone does not want her you can put her in my box and I can send you the extra postage. Just let me know.

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So sorry for your loss sending prayers

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So sorry about your daughter, I can’t imagine your pain. Prayers for comfort :heart::pray:

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This is the only baby left at the moment

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If she’s still available, I’ll take her. I’ll message you my PayPal

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Sending up prayers for comfort for you and your family during this difficult time.

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I had anyone heard from original poster? I am still waiting for PayPal info or an invoice :thinking:


I have been thinking about you. I hope you are doing ok, I know this is a painful time. Please feel free to PM if I can be supportive. Take your time. Consider boxing things up for a while, you may feel differently in the months ahead. I still have all my daughters clothes and her favorite things. These are early days mama, please take good care of yourself. Please reach out if you need, I know the waves can sneak up on you. Lots of love to your family as you navigate this loss :heart:


She sent my dolls. I already have them taken apart, washed and set aside with acne cream on a few spots.


I heard from her and got my invoice, miscommunication :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: all is good

Yours look good so far :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I was wondering the same thing @PhotographyForLife, cause I sent a direct message, but assumed maybe she changed her mind and I didn’t feel right asking about the Asian doll I wanted. I know it’s not an easy thing to decide and I didn’t want to put any pressure on her.


maybe she will contact you after seeing this. I sent a couple PM’s in response to PM’s but they seemed to have gotten buried :thinking::woman_shrugging:t2:


Not sure if you got my email yesterday…I apologize for the mixup. Our PayPal is

Shipping is $12.80 with two day priority shipping


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@pebblypoo It’s totally fine. I just sent you the 12.80 for the shipping, please let me know when you receive it…just want to make sure you got it. I know you have a lot going on, so I didn’t want to bother you. I really appreciate this very much!

That doll is going to be kept in my personal collection, since she’s very special for multiple reasons. :two_hearts: