Dolls by sandie website down?

Hey guys! Gals! I was a bit worried today as I realized the website for dolls by sandie is down. Is it down for anyone else? I was getting on there to see if it said when their deliveries for Delilah might arrive. But I can not get it to load. I pre ordered her a couple weeks before she was released but I had missed out on the first shipment.

How strange, the website is working fine for me. I checked the Delilah page and it just says new shipment in May but no specific date. Hope this helps! Give it a couple hours or try on another device. Sometimes the internet doesn’t like to work lol

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It’s working for me.

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Try cleaning your cookies and restarting your browser.

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It’s working for me now. But this morning it wouldn’t open for me. I just assumed I had a bad connection

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Thank you everyone! I’ll keep trying. I’m not sure how to clear my cookies :thinking:

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I haven’t been able to get the site to load for months. I don’t know if it is something with my server or what. But when I disabled the wifi I was able to get it to load :woman_shrugging:t2:


Do you have an Apple Mac? If so, I may be able to help you.

I don’t have a computer :confused: just my phone.

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Check your phone browsers settings. There may be something in there about clearing cookies.

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I found it and that worked! Thank you!


Glad it worked! Cookies can gunk up a browser and interfere with certain sites opening.

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I never knew that! :exploding_head:

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My hubby reminds me all the time, because I’m bad about cleaning them out regularly. :grin:

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