Doll/teddy bear weighting question

If I want a doll/bear to weigh the equivalent of 1.5 - 2kg (3-4 pounds) how much steel shot and glass bead mixture should I actually put in to feel the equivalent of that weight please? Or does it need to be exactly the same amount I’m trying to get it to be?

You have to remember to include the weight of the head, limbs and body. When I want a specific weight for a doll I fill the limbs, body and head without connecting them. Then I put them in a large bowl on a postal scale. Then I add/remove weighting materials and stuffing until it reaches the weight I want to achieve and distribute among all the parts before final assembly.

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The vinyl and body aren’t weightless. Weigh those, subtract that from your goal weight and that’s how much you should add. It’ll get a teenie bit heavier with polyfill and everything, but not much.