Doll show today in Pleasanton, Ca

Today I will be attending a doll show in Pleasanton, Ca. I’m super excited!!! I just hope they have reborn dolls there. This will be my first show so I don’t know what to expect but my husband made sure that I’m ready to buy things should they catch my eye and knowing me I will go far beyond that with the extra that I have tucked away so I’m scared too! Lol :flushed:


Have fun! :blush:

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Thanks, I plan too. Walking out the door now!


enjoy take lots of pics for us to see :slight_smile:

I’ve done that show twice with my reborns. I wasn’t able to do it this year. It’s a nice one.

Well, there’s your answer. There will probably be reborns as Jeanhai had hers there last year.

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I hope she gets to see some. Mine were the only ones when I was there.

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Have fun but don’t forget to save some money for ROSE (if you’re going)!!

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Hope you have a wonderful time…look forward to seeing pics.

So there was on reborn doll artist at the Pleasanton doll show today. She did let me take pictures of some of her dolls. I did get lucky and get a couple of cute outfits that I will use for pictures of my babies when I’m ready to sell them. :slightly_smiling_face:


Sorry my picture taking today was not the best.

I recognize the last baby :blush: Isn’t that Megan? She’s such a cutie :blush: I’ve got one waiting to be brought to life :blush:

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Yes that is Megan. I love her I aphave completed one !egan already and waiting to buy another one. She is so cute! I want to wait until she goes on sale again.

I actually got mine on eBay. I think I paid $26 which wasn’t bad :blush:

Not bad I will go look now. I may buy two! Hopefully I can find it at that price. Thanks

You’re welcome :blush: Good luck! Hope you can find another Megan at a low price :grin:

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