Doll is still pale!

I ordered the Morgan kit. It did not say that it was a seconds baby…however, both feet had little chunks out of the babies arches. The paint obviously is not adhering to the doll. After all the complexion layers, mottling layers, blushing layers, etc., she is still PALE. Any suggestions? ?

Pictures would help. If the kit was flawed before you started did you contact BB about it?

And as far as still pale after many layers… how thick is your paint? I know sometimes for me some kits absorb reds and I have to add more than I normally do.


I am new to reborning. Maybe if the kit is discounted, then that automatically makes it a seconds. So, no, I did not send pictures. I now wish I would have. The legs and face seem to be absorbing SOME of the paints. The arms are not, especially the hands. I keep the paint thin. Maybe it just needs many more layers. Can I go back and add complexion layers at this point?

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No… discounts are not seconds - infact, sometimes the seconds cost more than the deep discounts.

You should be able to add more. There is no certain way to add the layers.

The discount sales kits are not 2nds. They are just ones on sale because they have more of those ones in the warehouse, etc.

Maybe the little spots (chunks) can be made to look like scratches?

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You can warm it up with raw Siena or burnt umber, light burnt umber …somethimes a tiny bit of yellow ochre .
If you have a chance please post pictures so others can share the ideas and hopefully can help you .
Don’t give up …takes patience somethimes more then other times

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I am trying to figure out how to post pics. :unamused:

This is the upload button

You should try applying a layer of primer. This will help to give your paint something to “grab” onto :art:


To begin I do a layer is skin tone thinned with thinning medium to give the vinyl a nice grip for the paint


She is a very pale kit to start off with. Mine was a discounted kit but she had no flaws. I’d contact bb to see if they will offer replacements. I didn’t have any issues of paint not adhering. Did you wash the kit before you started painting, sometimes it might have a releasing agent from the molding process still on them.


Do you pounce it, Katie?

Hi, yes I do. I pounce it on all over, even between the fingers and toes.

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Great, thanks! I like to use varnish as a base but baking 3 times at the start is a little frustrating. I like the idea of using thinning medium in the same manner…only one bake. :blush:

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You will be very happy with that method! I start all of my dolls that way!


I use that method with my next baby! :blush:

I’m working on my first baby and I’ve done 5 nuterlizing washes already. I’m typing this as another layer now with thinning medium is air drying before baking. I’ll let you know how it turns out.

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