Doll Clothing size

I was just wondering I want to order the 7 month June Sleeping Kit and I was just wondering what size clothes does he/she wear with a #300 body. I’m also going to be getting the 3 month joseph with the same sized body. What size clothes does he or she wear


Mine wore 3-6 month with this body. A few 6 month outfits fit too.

Ok thank you. what size diapers do you use for the finished doll

Hmmm, my 7 month sleeping June fit 9-12 month. I would not have even been able to squeeze her into a 3-6, I wonder if I stuff mine more…

Mine fit mostly 6/9 months and some 9-12 months. 6/9 fit snugly and plain 6 months were definitely too small (mostly footie jammies were a couple inches too short, but a bit tight also) on mine anyways. I stuffed her I guess a normal amount? I can’t find a picture but she was stuffed to look a little chunky in the belly I guess, but her body would still bend so not overstuffed. And I didn’t use any plates :slight_smile:

I was surprised that everyone said she fit bigger clothes. Everything I tried on her was way too big :sweat_smile: I stuffed her up tight so she could sit on her own…

Oh and I forgot I used size 3 diapers, 2 would have worked in a pinch but they were REALLY tight, looked like she was wearing a Speedo :smile:


I didn’t get many pics of her before she went home… but this onesie and outfit were all 3-6 month. The pants are longer than they appear haha. They’re just scrunched up.


You did such a great job! She came out beautifully!!

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Ok, I feel kind of like an idiot! I totally forgot that I swapped her 300 body because it looked too small (which I don’t get because the 300 on ella’s looks perfect!) But I ended up using an 8828 body which is a bit chunkier than the 300, so that’s probably the cause of the clothing size difference.

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I used the 300 body. Let me go check my bin I have for the next one I paint. Make sure I am not somehow way off

Wow! She’s absolutely adorable!! :heart_eyes:


Yep, 12 month.


Also, if some used the back and front plates and some did not that would most likely affect the size, I would think.

She is adorable!

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Thank you :heart:

For my June, she had the #3651 body not overstuffed. Wore size 9 months (or labeled 9-12mon) comfortably. She wore 0-3 mon shoes.

For my Joseph, he has the #3651 body not overstuffed. Wears size 6 months (or labeled 6-9mon) comfortably.