Does this look ok?

Should I change anything before sealing? She has four different colors of prisma pencil for hair. This is the first baby that I’m selling so I just want to make sure she is good.


I’m not an expert on painted hair, but I like it!

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I have not been reborning long. I like it!

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Do you want honest criticism ? I promise I will be gentle :blush:


Definitely honest criticism!

I think it’s not bad.
The strands of hair are to long and go in all different direction. Try to visualize the lenght of one hair. It’s usually shorter than that for a baby.
Natural hair tend to go in one direction. You can watch some baby pictures to see what I mean. Try to make a pattern on the head.
Using different colors is good. But what you want is to use them to create depht, light and shadow. Darker first, than lighter on top.

I suggest you to follow some tutorials or looking at a lot of pictures.
You will not mastering it the first time, it’s really take practice, but I think you have the talent to draw beautiful hair.


Thanks! I appreciate that. I want to be as good as possible lol