Does this Joseph head look right to you?

I haven’t done a 3 month Joseph in well over a year. I ordered another blank kit last month and was just considering starting it next. But it looks way bigger than when I first did my 3 month Josephs. I don’t remember the legs not fitting in the oven together, or the head being the same size as mine almost. Does this look like the normal size to you guys?

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Pretty sure his head is the same size as big June I think I was able to put his legs in the oven together with a towel and leaned them on. The sides but can’t really remember

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Here is Joseph awake side by side with RB Brooklyn … hope this helps


It looks normal to me…here’s my Josie next to newborn Joseph.

I was able to fit him easily in my nuwave with towels/shirts. I had to use 2 nuwave ovens to bake him though…I baked legs together while I baked arms and head together (I used 2 extender rings just to be safe).

It may look like they are touching, but they are not. I hope this helps you!


I guess it is right, I must have just forgotten how huge he was. He’s a monster compared to newborn kits!

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Love your Brooklyn! Thank you :slight_smile:

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I don’t have pics of mine in the oven. But here is mine next to a very judgmental Ruby :grimacing: :face_with_monocle::woman_shrugging:t3::sweat_smile:

And him once he was finished!


The funny part is she doesn’t even have eyes, but you can still tell!


Right!! :rofl:

Yes absolutely! He has a massive head!

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