I haven’t done a 3 month Joseph in well over a year. I ordered another blank kit last month and was just considering starting it next. But it looks way bigger than when I first did my 3 month Josephs. I don’t remember the legs not fitting in the oven together, or the head being the same size as mine almost. Does this look like the normal size to you guys?
Pretty sure his head is the same size as big June I think I was able to put his legs in the oven together with a towel and leaned them on. The sides but can’t really remember
It looks normal to me…here’s my Josie next to newborn Joseph.
I was able to fit him easily in my nuwave with towels/shirts. I had to use 2 nuwave ovens to bake him though…I baked legs together while I baked arms and head together (I used 2 extender rings just to be safe).
It may look like they are touching, but they are not. I hope this helps you!
I guess it is right, I must have just forgotten how huge he was. He’s a monster compared to newborn kits!
Love your Brooklyn! Thank you
I don’t have pics of mine in the oven. But here is mine next to a very judgmental Ruby
And him once he was finished!
The funny part is she doesn’t even have eyes, but you can still tell!
Yes absolutely! He has a massive head!