Does Smilla have Downs?

This may be a silly question? But does anyone else see Down Syndrome features in Smilla by Sabine Altenkirch? I have the kit on layaway, so I haven’t seen her in person. But from the prototype photos I see slanted eyes, bent pinkies, and a gap between the big toe and the second toe. I know a lot of typical babies have these same features. And a lot of babies with Downs don’t have all of these features.
I can’t find any mention of Downs regarding this kit anywhere online. But I can’t keep my eyes and mind from seeing it as a possibility.
Does anyone else see what I see? :thinking:


I actually had the same though when I was looking for a sister to my Oliver (Lillebror) by Sabine Altenkirch. But at the same time her look is not that obvious as Pebbles. I think she is babyish cute, just a little crossed-eyed.

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I see it 100%. I adore this kit, I just haven’t gotten around to buying her.


I adore this kit too. That smile gets me every time I see it. :heart_eyes:

I do see what you mean. I think it could go either way.

I greatly prefer her over Pebbles or any of those other sculpts because her features are more subtle. I think the others are too over the top for me and I don’t like them, but I also don’t like super expressive faces either.

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As a special education teacher, many of my students over the years have had DS. I’ve never liked any of the kits specifically advertised as having Down syndrome, as I find most of them to look like caricatures or stereotypes if people with DS to me. I love Smilla though, and I can’t wait for Realborn Patience to be released!


That’s exactly how I feel, I don’t like any of the other kits that are said to have Down Syndrome. Smilla is the sweetest little baby and she reborns really nicely. I just finished mine


She’s adorable :heart_eyes:

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Thank you! I so want to keep her but I don’t collect and I really need a sale. She gets to stay for a bit until I can afford some clothes for her. I have nothing in newborn girl’s size right now.

This one looked realistic and adorable. But you’re right. Most look stereotypical and characterish.


She looks like a mild Downs baby to me. When she first came out I saw several other artists wondering if she had DS, also. She’s really cute.


Yes! I hadn’t seen her before! She’s cute!

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We had a Smilla made for us, specifically for my teenage daughter with down syndrome. I’m not sure she was sculpted with the intent to be a down syndrome baby. As most parents of a
DS newborn know, doctors and nurses arent even sure in the first few weeks. So the shuttle features are much more desirable than a tongue hanging out or very cross eyed. My daughter has never had those features. We all love our little Gracie.(Smilla by artist Lena Dahl)


What a great resemblance! Your daughter is beautiful!

@Colleen I am not a fan of Stanley Oliver for that reason. Actually I’m not a fan of any of the sculpts that are designed to depict babies with DS. I have a cousin with DS and they rub me the wrong way. A lot of them seem like caricatures. But a lot of people seem to like them.


Thank you all! You are so kind. You just convinced me that I need to make a Smilla for our Dancing for Downs big celebration as an auction item. I made a Bountiful Baby last year but I was just learning to make reborns and too scared to buy the higher price kits. Thank you on your compliments on my Erica…she’s a joy!


This picture makes me want to paint my Smilla kit. She’s still sitting there waiting to be painted. :heart_eyes:

I always try hard to make them look not so cartoonish. Stanley Oliver definitely looks cartoonish with the recommended eye size. I used smaller eyes on mine. My Stanley and Pebbles still looked a little dollish. But both kits are precious and cuddly in real life. They are ones you have to hold to fully appreciate.
Here are my babies with Downs Syndrome.


Katrina your babies are some of the nicest ones I’ve seen in those kits! You do beautiful work!